Thursday, January 05, 2006

We went to Panera because Stephanie had never been there before. She was amazed at all the tasty treats in the case. I vote we move all the group rides to starting at Panera from now on. What's better than a tasty pastry or a big loaf of bread before a long 4-hour ride?

Mike wasn't so sure about his sandwich. He thought he'd give it a good sniff before taking a bite of it.
One thing's for sure, I love fruit. Fruity, fruit fruit. Here it goes down, down in to my belly...

Later, Mike regretted his decision to get the chocolate frosted brownie as he stepped on the scale at Sears (he also deleted the photo revealing his weight, he's such a chick).

y'all stay classy,


1 comment:

b fisk said...

you are a blogging expert. keep the classy bloggin' going!