Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Today I stopped by the CTS home office for some inspiration from the big guy. No, not Lance, the other big guy, the Godfather of the Springs mafia, James Herrera (that's my boss!)

James showed me his new super phone. I want that!

Of course, everyone at CTS is always hard at work. Koop and Amy Creed take time out of their ultra busy work day to chat with me about all the goings on at the office. Notice the cup of Starbucks in Koop's hand...which I, of course, generously brought him. Here's a tip, never show up to the office empty handed (if you want to stay on the big guy's good side).
I didn't bring any coffee for Lehman though, he never drinks the stuff. Crazy I say, just plain wacko. Who doesn't drink coffee? Jim did show me his new Blackberry, hmm it's between that or the Treo James has. Decisions, decisions.

Tim on the other hand was very excited to get a cup of coffee in the middle of the afternoon. He was so psyched he gave me a cookie.

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