Sunday, January 08, 2006

Today I've got another post because there was a lot going on this weekend. If you haven't gathered already I spent the whole weekend up in Boulder with Beth and Jon. I had a real good time with them. Plus, the bed downstairs is super comfy.

La, la, la....we're heading out for a ride..... la, la, la it's so nice and sunny. (note Beth taking a picture of us from the front while I take one from the back of the pack. I think the blog wars are on. I'm sure her pic came out better though)

Beth turned back early because it was her birthday and she wanted to party like it was her birthday and drink some Bacardi (like it was her birthday). She probably really turned back after noticing those seemingly innocuous clouds above the foothills.

Oh crap! Just as we were approaching 36 this crazy snow squall hit. I, not being a Boulder resident, didn't realize it was only going to last 10 minutes. Yesterday I joked about the 100mph head wind. Today was no joke. Seriously the wind was about 40 mph in our faces with the near white out I thought we were going to die in a freaking blizzard. Luckily no.

We made it back fine. It was still bloody windy, but at least no more snow. I was pretty tired, so I headed back home soon after the ride. I did, however, get sucked in to the Gap outlet as I passed through Castle Rock. I really need some new jeans and the sale sign was calling me. I'm pretty psyched I found some, and I don't even need to roll them up to fit. Perhaps there will be a picture of them on the blog tomorrow!

thanks for stopping by,


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