Monday, January 16, 2006

I've decided that when I have nothing to say for the day, I'm just going to put up funny pictures of my bed head or cute pictures of my nieces. I chose the latter today. This is Caroline, she's 7 months. Do you notice the family resemblance? ...No, I mean those thighs! She's going to be a sprinter for sure. I'm having a fixed gear tricycle made for her so I can get her out on the velodrome as soon as she can walk.

Nothing happened today. It was a typical Monday, work, work, work. Monday is typically my busiest work day of the week because everyone calls or emails to check in after the weekend, so it keeps me busy. In fact the only time I left the house was this evening to go to the grocery, which by the way, the whole time I was there I was on the phone with a client. So it wasn't ever like I stopped working tonight. It's good though, I got lots of ideas while I was there because we were talking nutrition most of the time.

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