Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sharon came down today to drop the hammer on the Saturday morning world championships (aka the group ride).

Sharon enjoyed the ride, but was real hungry when we got back. I think she felt kind of hammered after riding so hard.

Then Mike and I spent the evening at the mall. I felt like I was in high school again, the mall on Saturday night. We even went to Orange Julius. I don't think I've had one of those in 15 years, and then I remembered why, it didn't taste good at all. It tasted like a creamcicle in a cup. I think I remembered those tasting better than that.

Anyway, I did get yelled at by mall security. Apparently you're not supposed to take pictures in the mall. Again, I felt like a teenager getting yelled at by a grown up in the mall. He was very serious about his job. A couple minutes later we saw him breaking up a group of 13-year old girls loitering around the Chick-fil-A.

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