Wednesday, June 28, 2006

So I go down to the race today to register and pick up numbers. Would you look at that, another palindrome (thanks K.O.). What are the odds? Now that's gotta be lucky. The race starts tomorrow so we'll see.

So this is the top of Wachusette today. Normally you can see quite a bit of western Mass from up here, but today you could only see about 20 feet. I really hope that it doesn't look like this on Saturday when we have to climb it in the road race. I went to ride the TT course this afternoon (in the rain) and decided to drive up Wachusette. I don't think that was a good idea because I always remember Wachusette being easier than it actually is. Sometimes it's better that way, well you sleep better anyway.


b fisk said...

what are the odds??

that's palotastic!

The Pullems said...

"Waaa-Waa-Wachusette! A mountain of skiing, minutes awaa-ay!"