Sunday, June 25, 2006

Columbus, Ohio: metropolis of central Ohio. Last year I came to this race and never realized that Ohio State was here. I guess I wasn't paying attention.
Kate and I have a long time to wait for our race this afternoon so we went for a ride this morning and found the bike path that goes from Grandview Heights to downtown Columbus. We don't race until 3pm which is kind of a drag because we have a 12-hour drive ahead of us to get to Massachusetts. We won't do it all tonight we'll probably just make it somewhere to the middle of Pennsyltucky before we have to stop.


b fisk said...

you are getting much better at your "on the go" photos!

Unknown said...

YO!!! Make sure you hit Adriatico's or Tommy's Pizza. Also, Katzinger's deli rules.

Man, I miss the food in Columbus...