Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Don't you wish this was the view from the parking lot of your grocery store? So Colorado does have it's advantages. In case you didn't know that's Pikes Peak. Colorado Springs is at the base of this 14,000 foot mountain and it provides a nice skyline for us whether it's morning sunrises or evening sunsets.

I've been so busy this week. I'm trying to get everything set up for me to basically be gone for the next 8 weeks. Although I'll stop back home at the end of February, I'll be so busy with work and laundry that week that I'm trying to take care of everything I need to do this week. I've already done my taxes, yesterday I went to the grocery and spent over $50 on cat food and litter for the next 2 months, I also took my car in for a tune up and an oil change. Today I tried to get together some clothing stuff for the team, and then went to go see the Rick again. I normally wait until my hair looks like crap before I go see him, but since he didn't need to do a major overhaul this time, he only charged me about 2/3 the price which was nice.

I feel compelled to take a picture every time I go see the Rick because my hair never looks that good when I do it because I never actually "do" my hair, I just put product in it an go. He took the flat iron to it today and made it all smooth. I never do that. Who has the time?

1 comment:

The Pullems said...

Sister, you look mah-velous! -L