Thursday, February 23, 2006

I suck at taking pictures behind me while I'm riding. By the way, what's the deal with the tongue?
Where do I start? Today was the big ride we call the "Stinger". The climb on it is something like 3,000 feet elevation gain in 9 miles. It's pretty dang hard, and here's my group going off the back even before the climb really starts.

Oh, it was on like Donky Kong right from the base of the climb. Here's Katie starting her effort. After giving most of the guys several minutes head start she was still 3rd up to the top. Yah, she pretty much rocks.

Ok, I no longer any excuse to complain about climbing. Here's Scott Gadberry and he kicks ass, and no that is not a photo shop, this guy only has one leg. He's a Paralympian and worked harder today than I've ever seen anyone getting to the top of a climb.
Here's Koop enjoying the fruit of his labors. He was the first to the top. You know, Figueroa is not a race, we encourage everyone just to get out there and challenge themselves... but of course deep down we're all so competitive and that we've got to represent as CTS coaches so with Jimmy out of commission Koop stepped up to the task and defended the title for the coaching staff up Figueroa. Pretty good for a runner!

Because I took the climb at a much more reasonable pace, I got to take lots of pictures on the way up.

At least one guy didn't enjoy the descent. I think his bike broke in half when he went over a cattle guard, but luckily he didn't crash. Phew!
Here we are getting ready for the big day at the Tour of California tomorrow. We'll go watch the stage pass by Foxen Canyon that's just a few miles away. CREED NATION! By the way, I get to be the exclamation point.

1 comment:

b fisk said...

were you the exclamation point because your nickname is sparky?