Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sunday Night's Hot or Not List.

Let's start with the Not list...

1. Floyd Landis and his preying mantis TT position. Come on Floyd you look like Delgado in the '88 Tour. Where are your Bolle Chrono shields to go with that TT position?

2. Crazy Cat Ladies. Well that's what I felt like today. I couldn't make a move today without having at least one cat glued to me. I guess they missed me, Steph said they didn't come out of the room all week, but seriously they were bugging the crap out of me.

3. McLane Pacific Online Registration. It was supposed to close on the 27th, but what they meant was as soon as it turned the 27th which meant 12 am Eastern Time tonight, which means when I logged in to register at 10:07 pm Mountain Time on the 26th that registration was closed. Tell me how that makes sense. Plus it said clearly on the race information that registration closed on the 28th anyway.

4. The Closing Ceremonies of the Olympics. What's the deal with those clowns anyway?

5. Avril Lavigne selling out to NBC and the Canadian Olympic Committee. Look at her now, she might as well work at the Gap.

So who made the Hot list?

No one! I'm in a bad mood today so nothing made it on the Hot list.

1 comment:

The Pullems said...

Renee, c'mon! don't inflict your bad mood on poor Avril Lavigne. Rather than selling out, I'd say she's merely growing up... ;^) love, Lisa