Monday, September 04, 2006

So just the other day I was all like, wow, I haven't been sick all season (except for that brief incidence of the stomach flu right before McLane) ....of course that was a big jinkx because I'm sick now. It actually started Friday but I was in complete denial. I had a scratchy throat which turned in to conjestion by Saturday and full on feeling bad by Sunday. I was actually dizzy and lightheaded while warming up for crit on Sunday.
This morning I woke up and felt like a freight train had hit me. I took as much Nyquill as I could last night to try to slip in to a cold killing coma, but alas I'm sick. I plan to be whiney, complaining, general puss as long as it takes to get better.

p.s. Sharon and Beth I want to say right now I'm wicked sorry if you get sick too...

1 comment:

b fisk said...

yep i think i am sick