Saturday, May 13, 2006

Wheels of Thunder (thunder, thunder, thunder....) Race Report
Today was the Wheels of Thunder also known as the 'dash for the cash' because there are sprints every other lap for actual money, which is something that doesn't happen all that much in Colorado.

My race report isn't that exciting. The only real excitement occured at the beginning of the race when we were nuetralized for several minutes because there was a big snake in the middle of the course. It took a while to find someone brave enough to shoo it away with a big stick and a fire extinguisher.
Ok, this wasn't actually the snake, but this is what it could have looked like. The guy who got it off the course didn't look anything like this though.

In other news Katie Compton made a rare road race appearance, and I would like to go on the record as saying I am a good friend. Not only will I help my buds with little tasks like pinning on numbers, but I will put my life on the line for my friends if I need to. Well this wasn't so much as me putting my life on the line as me sticking my finger with one of the safety pins, but I could get tetanus. It could get real gross.

That's it, it's been a long day. I'm going to bed. Here's the sunset on Lookout Mountain, that was the only benefit of having to climb up it after the race.

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