Thursday, May 18, 2006

As it turns out, the storm didn't even last as long as it took me to write the last post, so I did my workout, but it wasn't pretty. It was a messy, weak effort at best. I thought I was going as hard as I could when I had what we coaches call a 'come to jesus' moment half way through my third interval. I asked myself if this was the final kilometer on that final climb of that certain race is this the way I'd choose to finish it? Hmmm, no it's not. Somehow I found about 50 more watts, finished the interval as well as the rest of the intervals with a more than respectable effort. Is it going to make a difference in the end, who the hell knows? All I know is that when it comes down to it in the race I'll remember the path I chose today.

We all have self imposed limits on what we think we are capable of (whether it is personal, professional, athletic...) Of course I would think I couldn't do today's workout. Why should I? My past results say I shouldn't be able to with how tired I felt today and how hard I've been training, and that's what I thought all day, all through my warm up, and all through the first couple intervals.

"Whether you think you can or think you can't - you're right." - Henry Ford

p.s. I promise to be much less philosophical and much more funny tomorrow; but be warned, I may still be grumpy because I'm pretty flippin tired.

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