Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Command Central.

I hate riding with out training data, but I've been doing it a lot the last couple of months so maybe that's why I went a little overboard today. Today was the first time I've ridden with a power meter since mine crapped out in February while in CA which was the same time my cyclometer crapped out too. Riding without power is kind of like riding in denial, you always think you're faster than you really are. The power meter never lies. Turns out my power meter didn't record today afterall, so good thing I have all the back up data from my heart rate monitor and cyclometer. See, I was thinking ahead and I didn't even know I was thinking ahead.
I did my intervals out on Gold Camp today, that's nothing new. In fact, I tried to figure out how many miles I've actually ridden on Gold Camp over the years. It's really the only hill to do intervals on in town, and I ride it at least once a week, and that's usually up and down and up and down like today. You gotta figure that's at least 8 miles a week on it (probably more), times let's say 40 weeks a year, times the last 10 years I've lived in the Springs. That's like over 3,000 miles on this one stupid hill.

Next I will try to figure out how many miles I've done on the Manitou Shuffle. I'm pretty sure it's in the tens of thousands seeing as how it's my recovery ride, warm-up ride, add-on miles ride, and coffee ride.

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