Sunday, July 16, 2006

Superweek Race Report: Day 7, Bensenville finale

Superweek over = Peak over. I actually think my peak ended after Thursday night because that was my last race where I felt super-dooper. I felt ok today in the race on Sunday, not super, not bad, but a hell of a lot better than Waukesha. In the end Superweek finished just like every year at Bensenville, jacked up by a crash. No, I didn't go down, but I did have to lock 'em up on the last lap as there was a random crash on the back side. Oh well, that's why we keep going back year after year, to chase the glory we never had.

Superweek ended as it always should, with cheap swill beer in hand whilst watching the men's race. Extra bonus is that after racing in near 100 degree weather, cheap beer will make you a cheap drunk. Yah, I didn't leave Chicago last night...
The men's race was fun to watch as there were plenty of crashes in the last corner, lap after lap after lap. They revised the course and suspended all primes because the finish was too "dangerous". Dan Shmatz shows just how far you can lean the bike over before you crash in the finale. The boys took this corner a wee bit faster than we did.

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