Saturday, July 15, 2006

Superweek Race Report: Day 6, Waukesha

Superweek finally arrived. It's just not Superweek if you're not doing a crit in the blazing heat. I heard it was hot in Colorado today, but with 98 degrees (no not the band, the temperature) and humidity about 85% it was ridiculously hot today.
It was so hot I tried pre cooling my jersey by jamming it in the cooler and stuffed it with ice. It's so cold when you put it on it takes your breath away. Unfortunately today it only cooled me off for about 5 minutes, and all the ice I jammed in my pockets kept me cooler for about 5 more. The ice I jammed in my sports bra even less. At one point I went to spritz myself with a little water. It was like pouring hot molten lava on my body as I think the water in my bottles had reached boiling point by half way in the race.
Another trick to cool off during the race is to just take a little break mid-way. If you don't have a legitimate mechanical to take a free lap then create one. psssssssssss.

Whatever you do when it's hot out, don't make your jeans in to cut offs, especially if you're a guy and you go past mid-thigh.

In the end I battled tirelessly all day with Becky Broeder for the tail-gunner of the day award. I'm happy to report I've retained my title.

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