Tuesday, June 19, 2007

So tonight was the first night I raced track this year. It's so much fun. I don't know why I screw around with road racing where you have to slog away for 3 hours before the excitement happens. In track racing, you get to sprint every few minutes and long races take like 15 minutes. A lot of races are even less than 5 minutes long. Screw riding around forever before anything good happens. In track racing, it's all good stuff happening.

So tonight I sandbagged and raced the C's points race. I got 2nd. Ok, before you bash me too hard for sandbaggging in the C's, the choice was the A/B Madison or the C's points race. Since the Madison often ends up like the picture above, I chose to do the points race. I love points racing. It's my absolutely favorite race of anything, track, road, crit, TT, you name it.


CT said...

wheel on stomach. nothing good could have come from that. ouch.

Unknown said...

I guess if you're going to get disembowled by a wheel, it might as well be a Lightweight, huh?

CT said...

Nice pick up on that I missed it. if I let you ride over my stomach, I get to use the wheels twice a week and on my birthday.