Saturday, June 23, 2007

Last night we warmed up for the race with a little travel Scrabble. You know what, I suck at Scrabble. You know what else, Beth is very good at Scrabble.

Before the race, Anne made sure she knew where she was going by taping the entire race bible to her top tube.

After the race: Little D. Browski still hearts her chamois.

After the race I needed to drown my sorrows in beer. Please note that it was Bitch Beer. Not my choice, but someone else's.

Since I didn't want to drink and drive, I lent Beth the keys to my car. She was a little cramped.

So notice how I didn't blog about the race... that usually means I did bad, and I did. Lisa Lock-n- Load Matlock did great. She was in the break and ended up 2nd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The guy cheated! His crocks have way bigger heals than your sandals!