Sunday, March 05, 2006

McLane Pacific Cycling Classic Race Report: Day 2 Road Race.

Today was my second race of the season, and after yesterday I thought it could only get better. Today's course was made for me, 70 miles, flat with a few rollers, windy, and a little cold to make all the skinny girls shiver.
Alas, it was not my day. I hung in there but again played tailgunner most of the day. I had very few matches today, in fact, I distinctly remember that I had only 3 matches to burn. One match was burned on lap two when I tried to go with a short lived attack. Match number two was on the same lap when I dropped my chain and couldn't shift it back on, so I had to stop and put in back on old school style. UUGHHH! It was only about a 10 second gap but in a 20 mph cross wind it took all the matches I had left to get back on. So really I had barely any spark left to hang on just to finish, and that's about all I did today was finish.

So I had a long drive (5+ hours) to Santa Barbara after the race and had some time for reflection. By the way, I was VERY tired after the race. I came to the conclusion that I really sucked it this weekend, but I am not going to beat myself up about it. It was a very un-sparkylike couple of races. I have to admit the affects of the stomach bug are definitely still with me. By the way, I'm quite over this not being able to eat much becuase I'm nauseous all the time. I can't imagine being pregnant. I just better get super skinny after all this.

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