Sunday, May 06, 2007

Ahhh! Worms! So a worm, just like one of these landed on my shoulder yesterday after the race and when Beth pointed it out to me, I screamed like a little girl. I was pathetic.

Today we got to race with our old teammate Carmello who is now a big time pro for Aarons.

Today's crit was in Louisville. That's not to be confused confused with Loo-uh-vul, or Loo'ee-vil, but instead it was the Coloradan town of Lewis-vil.

The outcome of today's race was much better as we avenged the loss from yesterday. Beth got herself in the break and took the win. Then with Lisa and I patrolling the field all day, I was able to clean up and take the field sprint thanks to Lisa's very nice leadout.


The Pullems said...

Here's what I want to know: how did a worm land on your shoulder? Aren't they usually just crawling around on the ground?

CT said...

lets just say the worms out here are amazing athletes! run, bike, swim, jump, fly - they do it all.