Friday, March 30, 2007

You know it's not the drill that gets me at the dentist, it's the 6-inch needle they jam in to your mouth for the novocaine. I hate that part and of course the drooling afterwards. One visit down, and one rotten, decayed tooth shaved down to a nub. Bonus from today's visit, he said maybe I'd get a root canal too. Yippee! I can't wait. (Oh, that last part is sarcasm).

I totally blame my parents. Thanks a lot mom and dad, not only did you I blame you for my lack of stature, lumpy head, but also my rotten teeth. (love you too!)

1 comment:

The Pullems said...

Ahem... I doubt you are as vigilant about your oral hygiene as someone with your parents' dental history should be (you're like most of us in that regard!). Therefore, you shouldn't be so quick to pass off your choppers' current state as due to dumb genetic luck. Am I right, or what??! lots of love (as always!), your big sis