Sunday, November 12, 2006

Today was good cross weather as Mike would say. However, for me cross does not mean racing cyclocross, instead it means doing a little cross training. Since I have not yet the ambition to ride my bike in the cold and wet, nor the internal drive to sit for hours on the trainer right now, it was either cross training today or no training.

Since I copy everything Kate does, like going up the Incline (and also falling down the trail), today I went up Section 16. I'd like to be able to call what I do trail running, but instead it's more of "trail-shuffling". It's something a bit faster than hiking, but definitely way too slow to be called running, so at best it's a "shuffle".

I actually do like getting out on the trails on days like this. It reminds me to look around every once and a while and say "hey, I live in Colorado, that's pretty f'in cool."

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