Monday, November 06, 2006

So it was good to hang out with some of my teammates this weekend and start to get motivated for next season. We decided that we need to boost the team's climbing prowess for next year, and somehow that turned in to deciding that I need to turn in that team climber. So basically that means I've got to get all 'Nicole Richie' by spring.

Beth was really helpful in getting me started on my new climber physique plan like "suggesting" maybe I get the skim milk cappucinno instead of regular milk and just sticking with the salad for dinner instead of a big pasta dish... she's real helpful like that. I just can't wait until I drop down to 85 lbs so can say stuff like "I just can't keep weight on. I eat all the time, but I guess I just have a high metabolism."

Too bad I'm a little more like post rehab Nicole Richie right now. I think I'd rather be team sprinter, they get to eat a lot more...


b fisk said...

you must climb like a goat.

CT said...

I have visions of you doing Mt Evans in 2hrs! Lookout in 18min! Salida Road Course (the wall specifically) - like its nothin'!