Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Top 10 things I don't like about track workouts.
1. Changing gears.
2. Changing gears.
3. Having to lug a bunch of tools, wheels, bars, ect all so you can change gears and equipment between efforts.
4. How it takes 2.5 hours to do a half a dozen efforts.
5. How in 2.5 hours you've actually only ridden 20k.
6. Excessive chamois time in the infield while not actually riding.
7. Severe dehydration and sun stroke from sitting on the infield between efforts.
8. How after riding the track for a few weeks going up and down the banking feels like hill work to you.
9. How after riding the track for several weeks all of a sudden the Manitou shuffle becomes your "endurance" ride.
10. Last but not least, changing gears.


Unknown said...

What's a gear?

Kate Gracheck said...

That's why I only have one gear! :)