Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Getting ready for Gateway. I'm headed off for a road trip to the Gateway Cup races in St. Louis this weekend. Here's a pic of me from a couple of years ago. It must have been the first lap, because I am in the lead. I guess that's why they call me "hot laps"

This, like any good road trip, starts with some rules. Here they are.

1. no eating crumbly crumb stuff in the car. pretty much any carbs, might i suggest apples, bannanas, grapes. carbs that can go in your mouth all at one time like animal crackers are okay.
2. drinking stuff is fine as long as you don't spill.
3. everytime we stop you must pick up all of your trash and put it in the trash can.
4. i hate the sound of bottles rolling around on the ground while driving.
5. only one person navigates, and i will assign that to renee (that means get directions to every race now so we have them when we need them)
6. if we stop at fast food we eat inside the fast food joint, not in the car.
7. i think that's it.
8. oh yeah, one more thing no cheetoes or anything that turns your fingers a different color.
9. double oh yeah, if you sneeze or toot roll the window down.

Quiz of the day.
Name 3 Colorado riders in this picture (from the same race 2 years ago)


JT said...

Hot Lips?, now thats a nickname that might stick. And what gives with the roadtrip rules, I can only think of one thing to say to those: BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

megan hottman
carol hutton
jenna boyd

bfisk's crazy days said...

teno, obviously you have a messy car if you boooo these rules.

i believe it was hot laps, not hot lips, get your mind out of the gutter boy.

and last, the nickname is sparky, and its stickin'.

JT said...

You girls and your rules. Not trying to change Renee's nickname, just add to it ;) whats wrong with hot lips sparky, or sparky hot lips, yeah, sparky hot lips.

You guys have fun out there!

reastman said...

hey "anonymous", if that's even your real name, no fair answering the quiz if you're actually in the picture.

Anonymous said...

my name is not anonymous and i didn't feel like signing in. i am not in the picture.


Anonymous said...

teno, i was totally in a bad mood when i woke up. i suck and sorry to snap. hot lips just sounds weird, but if you like it go for it.


JT said...

Hey Miss Bfisk, If you think hot lips is weird, just wait till I come up with a nickname for you.........hmmmmmmmmmm

reastman said...

so I guess there are 4 CO riders in there. Jen Tilley is in blue.