Sunday, April 30, 2006

Stazio World's Race Report

We raced again today at the famed Stazio race course. I think I've done this crit course about a million times. Sometimes we do it clockwise, sometimes counterclockwise, sometimes with the finish on the hill, sometimes with the finish on the flat just to make the race that much more thrilling.
It just so happens to be Beth's favorite course which is good because she got second today. Unfortunately we got out foxed by a foxy Syrea from the Rio Divas, but in the end we took 2nd, 3rd, and 5th (or 4th if you don't count the girl who shouldn't count). So it was a good day and another good team effort.
Here Beth checks her B.O. level before the race. It was ok.

The boys did well too. Jon got in the break and ended up 3rd, getting beat by some guy named Scott Moniger. I heard that guy's won a few races. Jon was real hungry when he got home, which is why he's making snacks in his shammy.

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