Tuesday, December 09, 2008

This is how my birthday started out yesterday. It was actually quite pretty on my way to the gym in the morning. If you could see the clock on the Antlers building it would read 6:30 am.

This is how the birthday ended, at the Golden Bee. It was touch and go there for a while with the snow storm that rolled in during the evening, but the ladies still showed up.

It was me and Katie and Melissa who all have birthdays this week while Kate is celebrating finishing her treatments and Sarah who is just a barrel full of monkeys to have at any party. It was pretty slow since it was a Monday night and a little bit of snow.

Later on a convention of IT guys showed up, and because she wasn't drinking Katie tried using Melissa's glasses instead of beer goggles to make those guys a little more attractive. It didn't work.

We still had a great time.

Melissa, of course, gets to party all week because her big birthday isn't until Friday.

One question though, why is Sarah sniffing this piece of gum?
For more on the evening you can click here.


Silas said...

...because it smells SO GOOD!

(I seem to have misplaced my headlamp, humph. Looks like no hand puppets tonight- Darn!)

kennyk said...

your blog makes me really miss drinking. i've been sober for exactly 1 year now. you are such an inspiration, i'm beginning to plan my first big bender.

Cari Higgins said...

the only thing that worries me about the whole situation is why katie wasn't drinking? sad night in COS.

The Pullems said...

Happy Birthday, sister!