Me - crash: road rash and a sprained hand
Jenna: crash but amazingly no road race because I was nice enough to cushion her landing
Gwen - crash: elbow x-rayed but not broken
Cheryl - crash: concussion and bad road rash on the face
Megan - crash: bruised ribs and headed home after the first night
Daniele- food poisoning and forced to get sick in the porto potty
Kat - crash: got taken to the hospital and heard it might be a broken ankle (no report yet)
Rebekah: crash and got a cleat to the head, was also taken to the hospital (no report back yet)

So although we're having a lot of fun on this trip, I think we can safely say that the Tulsa Tough pretty much sucks.
Hang in there, sis!
it kind of sounds like you were at "stupidweek" with all the crashes and rashes.....
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