You can either leave a comment on the blog with your vote (don't forget your name) or send me an email. I'll be keeping the baby ticker up to date on the blog and announce the winner as soon as Baby T pops out.
Prizes yet to be determined, but may include candy, a 6-pack of Budlight, and a trophy (but probably not as big as my Belize trophy).
Baby T Ticker votes collected so far
Beth Fisk (mom) - ASAP
Jon (daddy) - June 30th 6:15 am
Andi Burnham - July 1st 12:34 pm
Jenna Allen- July 4th 2:32 pm
Lisa Matlock Strong - July 6th 11:38 am
Renee Sparkles Eastman- July 7th 4:20 pm
Carol the Hurricane Hutton- July 9th 8:11 pm
Anne Lannan- July 9th 3:00 am
July 11 - 11:30 pm
sorry to make you wait Beth ;)
July 5 - 3:45AM
Hope'n for all to be safe and healthy!
i'll stick with the first prediction - July 2nd - also my wedding anniversary, so we won't forget it, anymore - hhmmm.
oops, forgot time...
9:33 pm
July 2 10:01am
July 3 - 7:44 am
~becky :)
July 1st 10:23 am
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