Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Poo, Pickles, and other catastrophes.

It's been a busy day at the Eastman house. A lot has been going on in front of the office window as I chat with clients and answer emails. In a two ambulance worthy incident some dude passed out on my lawn and got carted away. I'm pretty sure he was just drunk as he looked kind of homeless and was riding a little girls bike.

I also witnessed, not 10 feet from my eyeballs some girl letting her dog poo on the lawn, which would have been fine except she didn't feel the need to pick it up.

Speaking of poo and pee, what's worse the smell of cat pee or pickles? I'm not sure. I've had kind of a cat problem recently. It seems as though one of my dear sweat cats is rather pissed off. Literally pissed off as she has taken to pooing and peeing inside my closet. See, I've been travelling a whole lot lately. It started with that two weeks where I was home one day between Belize and Tulsa and since then I've been gone every Fri-Sun. So I think she's just mad that I'm gone all the time because I've only ever seen this kind of behavior once before in the 12 years I've had them. Really, they are good cats, but I think at least one of them is mad (I know it's the fat one). Anyway, I found a home remedy for getting the cat pee smell out of the carpet and it was vinegar, so now my closet smells like pickles which I guess is better than smelling like cat pee, but it wasn't quite the solution I was hoping for.

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