Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 6 update

Yesterday was 6 weeks since I broke my elbow. The major milestone of this week is that I can touch my shoulder with my left hand. I guess that's a certain marker for range of motion progress, because it's what my PT told me to work on while he was on vacation last week. So mission accomplished.


In other news I lead my first CTS DVD workout the other day. It was quite exciting with the video crew, hair and make up, and director shouting instructions. Don't worry, you'll get to see it because they'll be released just in time for the holidays, and that's all you'll be getting from me for Christmas this year.

They asked me not to wear Robo-Arm, which to tell you the truth I only wear a couple hours a day anymore, just when I'm doing something "dangerous" like walking to work. Someone told me I looked like Bob Dole holding a pen with my rigid, crookedy arm holding the stop watch all workout. Awesome.


reastman said...

Note the lack of muscle tone and grandma-arm I have. CC did poke fun at my Grandma-Arm before he called me Cindy Eastman in the DVD shoot

Anonymous said...

Is it me, or do you look taller....