Saturday, November 17, 2007

An update from the last few days... seems like I've gone out every night this past week, which I basically have.

iPhone: I want that.
p.s. I hate going to Il Vicinos because you reek of food afterwards, which is only marginally better than reeking of smoke after going out. Either way you need to take off all your clothes and leave them outside so you don't stink up the house too.

Thursday night sushi and the Office with Stephanie. If she was a boy, I think this would have been a pretty good date, she even paid which as a bonus.

Tip of the week: Don't pick your nose while waiting at the drive thru bank teller. You never know who's going to pull up next to you. "Hi Kate"

And the weekly dinner crew at Old C's with a special guest appearance by Missy the Missile.

1 comment:

Kate Gracheck said...

I thought going out meant going to the bars?