Tuesday, September 11, 2007

So today I decided to do some "training" and I'll use that term loosely, since this time of year anything more strenuous than riding my bike down to Starbucks I classify as "training". (And some days I even call that training.) Anyway I was out doing the Colorado Springs hour of power, which for us is ride over to Gold Camp, ride the 23 minutes up, then ride back home. I think in Denver the "hour of power" actually involves climbing for an hour or some such nonsense up Deer Creek Canyon, but that's a debate for another day.

You'll always run in to lots of folks on Gold Camp though because it's really the only climb in Colorado Springs. Today I saw Sarah "Muscles" Musick.

Then I ran in to my old boss James and Alison "I'm fitter now than when I was still racing" Dunlap.

Then I ran in to this critical mass ride of a bunch of Freds descending the climb. Normally, I wouldn't harsh on dudes so much for being Freds but there were like 40 of them getting in my way and trying to take me out on the descent.


Kate Gracheck said...

Now that's scary!

CT said...

so a few freds are coming down. just put on your roller derby elbow pads and clear the way.