Baby T. Baby Pool Update

In case you've been playing, you know by now that Baby T is late, and already annoying Ma and Pa Farkington.... However, what that also means is that by default Sharon, the Hammer, Allpress has officially won the Baby T. Pool by virtue of being the last dated vote. Also to note, several have tried some shifty moves to change their votes, but I kept meticulous records to divert those trying to circumvent the system.
Congrats Sharon, you can look forward to your Baby T Baby Pool awards as soon as the little sucker decides to come out!
I think Beth rigged it. I went for a "late" date cause she said her due date was July 3rd but really she was 40 weeks on the 10th. oh well. congrats sharon!
EXCUSE ME, but if you would have READ what sparky wrote this is what it said:
The due date is supposed to be anywhere from july 2 (first ultrasound) to july 10th (based on basic precition methods 40 wks
hurry, hurry baby t...i can hardly wait for my prizes - particularly the tent proportioned used rist canyon t-shirt and the coors light
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