Thursday, October 25, 2007

The most interesting thing I saw on my ride today... no, wait, you gotta step back and see it in context.

There's a whole village in that yard. You know, it's one thing to be crazy, it's another to advertise it on your lawn. We're all a little crazy, but when you do this to the outside of your house it just screams "Hey, look over here, crazy people live in this house."

In other news it was an incredible 75 degrees today. Very nice and very sunny. Maybe it will stay like this for the next 5 months instead of having winter....


Kate Gracheck said...

What the heck ride were you on...I have definitely never seen that before!

The Pullems said...

Ok, WHERE are your Red Sox comments?? I know you've been watching!

Unknown said...

This says it all about the springs huh

JT said...

hey, why didnt you tell me you stopped by!