Thursday, January 05, 2006

He was born in the summer of his 27th year, comin' home to a place he'd never been before...

Rocky Mountain high...aah, ummm

...Colorado! Rocky Mountain high, Colorado!

Today I had to ride out east to do my intervals. As you can see it rather flat and looks a lot like Kansas. It does not really inspire to sing John Denver tunes out there, that is until you turn around and head back west towards the Peak.

I think the intervals went pretty darn well, as you can see from my perfect power graph. Sooo exciting!

In the afternoon as I settled in to do some more work I really wanted a nice little espresso to pick me up as I piled through emails. Instead, I denied myself and had some decaf green tea. Hell, I didn't even have a diet coke today, or yesterday! That's progress!


b fisk said...

your posts are so funny. i think we have some competition. (or at least anne thinks we do) who knew you were so damn funny!

Teton said...

Drop the tea, give into the darkside. mmm rich dark espresso.