Friday, November 09, 2007

Sorry I haven't blogged much this week, but I've been busy. Here's some of the things I've done this week but not blogged about:

1. Enjoyed the 70 degree days nearly every day this week.
2. Set a new fast time up the Incline this year.
3. Rode my bike in shorts and short sleeves.
4. Lifted some weights.
5. Lost enough weight to fit in to jeans I haven't fit in to in over a year.
6. Shopped for houses.
7. Stayed organized with my weekly task list.
8. Got my hair cut by The Rick.

the end


Anonymous said...

you are right on track for peaking in january, just like you talked about! nice.


CT said...

next time up the incline, you must carry your bike with full bottles, and if its snowing, do it twice.

Anonymous said...

How does one 'ridden' a bike?

reastman said...

grammar police strike again

Hooray said...

damn....i just wrote a real nice comment, but there was an error posting it...damn. well, it went something like this: i like the list thing on your busy weeks. it's funny. i think i may have to try it.