Thursday, November 29, 2007

So there's apparently a new blog game of tagging people. So I got tagged by my good friend Beth which means that I must post 5 random things about myself that people probably don't know and then tag 5 more people.

1. When I was in kindergarten, at the end of the year, all the kids got awards. You know, best speller, best attendance, cleanest desk, ect. My award was for being the shortest. That really hurt my feelings and is the only thing I remember about kindergarten.

2. The lump you can see on my forehead I got in first grade when I crashed in to a swing while chasing a boy around the playground.

3. I rushed sororities the first few weeks of college as a freshman at the University of Florida. That didn't last long. I graduated from UNH and on the cycling team instead.

4. I played the drums all through junior high and high school. When I was a senior in high school, I sold my drum set and bought my first bike.

5. I hate going bare footed because I really hate it when my feet are dirty. If I've worn sandals all day, I need to wash my feet before I can either put shoes and socks on or get in to bed.

So now I will tag
Lisa: my sister

Chris: my brother-in-law and father of the two cutest kids in the world

Kate: my former travel buddy and fellow racer

Sarah: bike racer and someone who makes me laugh every time I see her

Brad: bike racer extraordinaire


kennyk said...

I hate when my feet are dirty too. Britany Spears doesn't mind though. Girl's always barefoot.

reastman said...

Barefoot and pregnant!